Illinois Proposed Laws


Why You Should Know About Proposed Legislation:

Each year in both the Senate and House legislation is introduced that can potentially impact the counseling field. It is important to stay up to date regarding legislation because it can change the way you are able to practice as a clinician. Some important examples are Medicare Billing, the Counseling Compact, and Telehealth laws. View our list of proposed IL laws below to learn more.

  • To show support or oppose a bill: find and contact your legislators here.


2025 Legislation Proposed


 Topic Short Description
Link  Last Action
Illinois Cure Act
 Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens HB1

Illinois Cure Act
 Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens SB3695

Insurance Parity
  • HB 4475 creates the Strengthening Mental Health and Substance Use Parity Act. The bill provides that accident and health insurance policies and managed care plans must cover all medically necessary out-of-network mental health and substance use benefits as if they were in-network, for cost-sharing purposes.
  • HB 4475 also creates standards for reimbursement, credentialing of providers, and responsibility for compliance.
  • Specifically, HB 4475 sets a minimum reimbursement rate for mental health and substance use services at 141% of the Medicare rate, and 144% for non-Medicare covered services. The bill requires certain standards to ensure that any plan or managed care plan, including those run by third-party administrators, provides timeline and transparent credentialing for health care providers.
  • Finally, the bill imposes a civil penalty of $1,000 for every violation of the Act, and authorizes the Department of Insurance to enforce the Act.

Passed House 86-20

Up for vote in the Senate in the LAME DUCK JANUARY SESSION (first week of January)

2024 Legislation Proposed

The 2024 legislative session has officially concluded. Bills that are labeled "Dead" have not passed in either the House, Senate, and/or both. There will be a chance to reintroduce bills at the beginning of next year's legislative session in January 2025.

 Topic Short Description
Link  Last Action
Intern / Supervisor Financial Assistance
Scholarships to provide financial assistance to interns and clinical supervisors at specific non-profits with priority for applicants from a racial minority. A commitment to work in specific non-profits for 4 years. HB2838
 IDFPR License Fees
 Reduces SW fees does not include counselor fees- Oppose
License Fees
 Licensure Fees-application for renewal no more 1/2 application fee
Early Childhood
 Department of Early Childhood-Parts include counselors parts do not


Grants  Mental Health Professional Grants
Mental Health Danger Reporting
 Imitates parts of FOID Act on reporting Clear and Present Danger includes counselors as qualified examiners
Fees  Professional regulation fees
Illinois Cure Act
 Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens HB1
Illinois Cure Act
 Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens SB3695
Insurance Parity
The major issues
• Protections for 90837 Billing Code
• Allowance of multiple services in the same day
• Allowance of supervisory billing (permits students/supervisees to render services and those services are eligible for insurance reimbursement).
• Minimum rates linked to medicare reimbursement rates that serve as a floor for payment of services
• Speedy credentialing, contracting and rostering
• Third-party Administrators must follow parity laws
Behavior Analyst
Repeals language that prevents business organizations from providing behavior analysis services Repeals language that prevents the creation of businesses that provide behavior analysis services HB5344
Passed House & Senate Sent to Gov
Art Therapists License
Art Therapist Licensure Act
HFS Fee Transparency Require HFS to provide 45 days’ notice of any changes to the Medicaid Mental Health Fee Schedule.
● Exempt claims that were submitted before the Mental Health Fee Schedule is released from the timely filing requirement.
Workforce Direct Care Expansion Act Establish a Behavioral Health Administrative Burden Work Group consisting of providers,
consumer advocacy groups, and key government bodies.
● Develop an Administrative Burden Reduction Plan to be implemented by state agencies
regulating the behavioral health sector.


LMFT -out of state
LMFT licensed in another state can get licensed without an additional exam.
Reproductive Health Care related investigations
Prohibits the State from providing any information or expending or using any time, money, facilities, property, equipment, personnel, or other resources in furtherance of any interstate investigation or proceeding seeking to impose civil or criminal liability upon a person or entity for: (1) the provision, receipt, or seeking of or inquiring or responding to an inquiry about reproductive health care products or services that are lawful in Illinois; or (2) assisting, advising, aiding, abetting, facilitating, soliciting, or conspiring with any person or entity providing, receiving, seeking, or inquiring or responding to an inquiry about reproductive health care products or services that are lawful in Illinois. HB5239

Passed House & Senate

Sent to Gov

Use of AI with mental health services
Provides that it is an unlawful practice within the meaning of the Act for a licensed mental health professional to provide mental health services to a patient through the use of artificial intelligence without first obtaining informed consent from the patient HB5649
not assigned
Immigration status and licensure
Provides that a license to practice under the Act shall not be denied an applicant because of the applicant's real or perceived immigration status. HB5457
 1st responders Couples & family counseling coverage
Adds Couples and Family Counseling to be covered in Chicago for 1st responders.

 Passed House & Senate concurrence

Sent to Gov

Physical Therapists Compact
Licensure Compact for Physical Therapists facilitate interstate practice
Dentist Compact
Compact for Dentists / Dental Hygenists facilitate interstate practice
Social Worker

Compact for Social Workers
Counselor in Training
Creates a new license category


Bans funds
for conversion therapy

The State shall not expend any public funds in any organization, nonprofit organization, religious organization, or any other entity that performs conversion therapy.  HB2572
Counselor Compact to include Illinois requires a 60 credit hour degree, fingerprinting, background checks facilitate interstate practice
Counselor Compact to include Illinois requires a 60 credit hour degree, fingerprinting, background checks facilitate interstate practice  HB2642
CE Rules
CE Clarification on Cultural Competency and Alzheimer's Disease Training
Illinois Register
Vol 47, Issue 50


Loan Repayment

ISAC Loan Repayment Program

Map of shortage areas

 Illinois Register



2023 Legislation Proposed


Topic  Short Description  Link  Last Action
CEs License

Changes requirements for trainings for license renewal   HB2450  Effective 1/1/2025
CEs Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency training required for all health care professionals.
  Did not pass
included in HB2450

Counselor Compact Counselor Compact to include Illinois requires a 60 credit hour degree, fingerprinting, background checks.
   Did Not pass
SB2123 replaced with different legislation unrelated

Social workers- Supervision CE requirement, alternative exam
Social Workers legislation: including requiring 6 CEs in Clinical supervision for clinical supervisors, an alternative exam for LCSW proposed– 2 years supervised experience by LCSW or if not available other professionals (LCPC)   HB2365 Effective 1/1/2024
Telehealth out of state students
Amends the Telehealth Act. Provides that a health care professional may treat a patient located in another state if the patient is a student attending an out-of-state institution of higher education but is otherwise a resident in the State when not attending the institution of higher education.  HB2550  Did not pass
Physical Therapy Compact
 Physical therapists Join nationwide Compact
 HB1437   Did not pass
Psychologists Prescribing Authority
 Psychologists Prescription Authority removes exception for age under age 17 or over age 65 SB 1586
HB 3019
 Did not pass


Is There Something We Missed?

If you think there is a bill that should be on this page that is missing please contact us at: